Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One Step Closer To Eternity*

The day we were all waiting for has finally arrived<3 Elder Fitisemanu went into the MTC today:') I have learned 2 things in the past 6 hours of dropping him off and that is this:

1. Sacrafice. I had to let go of a best friend who I'm so used to seeing pretty much 24/7 to not seeing him at all. The guy who seriously had my back through everything, even things he didnt want to be part of just cause he loved me that much. But I've recently learned that this sacrafice is so minor compared to the Lords. A good friend, Elder Feaga'i, who is also serving in Apia Samoa, said in his farewell talk: "Missionaries are those who sacrafice time with their families so that others can be with theirs for eternity." Which is so true and easier to accept. I know that in the long run, this little sacrafice will bless not just me but the both of us<3

2. Stength. I learned that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. When we said our goodbyes, it didnt seem as hard as I thought it would be. I honestly think I cried more at him being set apart as a missionary than saying goodbye to him today. Lol Is that bad? I've prayed that Heavenly Father would make it easy for us and He did<3 I won't lie, I cry every now and then but then I remember that He is where he needs to be and that he's doing this to better himself, which is all that I can ask for<3

It's not easy. People keep telling me that it will get better and I know it will. I thought letting go of my brother Elder Tiu Jr. Wesley last year was hard, now I gotta let go of this one!? Lol I know that some people have it harder than me, whatever the case may be, maybe even losing 'him' for this mortal life and not just 2 years and be that the case, I applaud you for being so strong.

Now that Elder Fitisemanu is there, I have grown to appreciate the little things. Things I took for granted, like him opening the door for me, or giving me flowers when I'm having a bad day, or getting me rocky road & watching red box movies with me when that time of the month comes lol, or just telling me that everything is going to be okay when he sees me stressing. I'm gonna miss that. A lot. 

But I know that my Father in Heaven loves me so much because when I worry about this missionary, He sends the spirit to comfort my heart and tells it that he will be watched over and protected always<3 :') This is just the first day, but its one day closer to eternity<3

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