Friday, May 11, 2012

Bits & Pieces*

Can you say M.I.A.!? Lol I am going through blogging withdrawals so I think I should make a quick blog update of my life so far:) Cause I know that youre all dyyyyying to know;) Lol

1. If you don't already know, I am back in Hawai'i<3 Getting my tan on, cause you and I both know it's much needed. 

2. One of my childhood, best, close, whatever you wanna call it, friend, was sealed to her sweetheart! We're so happy for you Eleni Toluta'u, aka. The New Mrs/ Tukuafu<3 Still can't believe you're married!

3. The second week home, I finally decided to find a job AND I got hired on the spot! Lol I'll be making use of my major at Dr. Schlacters and also living my passion by dancing for the Polynesian Culture Center...AGAIN haha Soooo if you're ever in town, come visit me!:)

4. I got a new scent! Lol Scents are seriously like my thing, haha. My signature (yes, I have a signature smell, I promise haha) is Pure Seduction from Victorias Secret* You dont believe me? Ask anyone who's close to me! Lol Then I was into Heat By. Beyonce, but she broke my wallet. Nowwww I'm loving my new and improved Paris Amour from Bath and Body Works<3 New smells do wonders:)

5. I joined as much networks as I can to suck up my time but now that I have 2 jobs, well you know the rest. I really want you to follow me:) Lol & I will follow back, I promise!
Instagram: queen_ayesha

6. Last but not least, My missionary sent me the cutest package:') Which I love love love<3 But I will post on that later<3 Isn't he handsome!?!? *sigh

So far, my stay here has been really busy! I remember reading other MG's blogs on how they're so busy and I only wished that I could be that busy that I am all I want to do his sleep! Lol Time is going by so fast, it's crazy! My Elder has been gone for over 7 weeks now and it's crazy to think that I have survived this long<3 Lol Although I miss Utah and its "conveniences", I do love being home and being around my immediate family<3 I know these next few months will be challenging, especially preparing for my mission, but I know everything will be worth it in the end<3 
With that being said, here's to the Bits & Pieces that I know will add up to Big Blessings<3 


  1. you guys are so cute! how long has he been gone?
