I got home and skipped/half ran to the mail box! Lol I opened it and there it was waiting for me, who wouldve thought that a small envelope could open the flood gates of tears. :') I began to walk back to my apartment and then my phone rang to notify me of a message. Being high off of getting a letter the day after his P-day, I didnt pay too much attention to it but the feeling kept forcing me to check it, so I did. I stopped in shock and began to sob, it was another email from him<3 What a koinkadink right? I just couldnt stop crying. I ran to my room, locked the door and opened his letter. Crying was a must and I knew I was gonna cry ugly so I wanted to save anyone, esp. my family from the sight of that. Lol He told me how the MTC is amazing and he loves P-days because he can go to the temple & write everyone back. He informed me about an investigator that he and his companion are teaching and says that his testimony is inspiring and he hopes to baptize him while he's at the MTC:') How good huh?<3 Speaking of testimonies, Elder Fitisemanu bears his to me every chance he gets and omg, tears again! Truly strengthens my own<3
So before I got the letter I felt that there was something heavy and when I opened it I saw that it was 2 quarters! Lol Of course I paid no attention to it, even when Kalani said: The 50 cents goes with my letter, so read the letter first lol Don't spend it either Please! I love you<3 muah! haha, he's so cute. So anyways, the moment you all were waiting for: "WHAT ARE THE QUARTERS ABOUT!?" Here's what he wrote<3
"Baby! I have the craziest story to tell you:) While I was doing my laundry I was thinking a lot about us, about you, and I felt Satan come into my thoughts and worry me about you. I dont want you getting 'distracted' but I went and bought a pink lemonade trying to get my mind out of the satans wraps and then I got the change which was 50 cents and guess what?? You wont believe me but I looked at the two quarters and I got all choked up. 1 quarter was from California and the other quarter was from Hawaii!:''') After I looked at it an overwhelming feeling came upon me, chasing all my doubts telling me that we ARE meant to be and that I am gonna make you my wife! Whether you like it or not;) <3 I love having the spirit with me and I can feel God confirming things to me left and right, its something you HAVE to experience my love<3 and I cant wait til you do! But yea, thats my story with the 50 cents, please dont spend it because that was sent from heaven to you and me!<3"

I feel the love of my Heavenly Father through Elder Fitisemanu and his letters/emails<3 I feel blessed to be a part of this 24 month process with one of the Lords chosen servants. I may not be wearing a missionary tag yet and I may not have a companion or all of the things that "normal" missionaries do, but this 2 year wait feels like a personal mission <3 I guess you could call it...
"My 2 Year Mission Waiting For My Full-time Missionary<3"
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